What IF...

Your Sensitivity is your STRENGTH?
What if... being 'highly sensitive' (being someone who thinks and feels everything deeply), fosters a suite of (often hidden) depth talents? Creativity, empathy, intuition and... an ability to sense the subtle, to 'know things' and meaningfully affect the world and others, through a kind of natural, innate magic?
Would you cultivate it?
Welcome to...
The IF Crowd
'the transformational tribe for those who think and feel deeply'
This is the upbeat personal development membership club, especially curated for highly sensitive, aspirational people who want to fully THRIVE in their life purpose.
For those who wonder... what if I really can...?

Our members are beautiful, powerful paradoxical beings. Often arriving here as suppressed sages and frustrated mages wrestling with their inner worlds, they learn to leverage their natural aptitude for wisdom: perceiving, influencing, manifesting.
Are you anxious - yet weirdly self aware? Self-doubting yet oddly sure about what you sense? Our members learn that the issue isn't their deep sensitivity (this is a gift!) - it's actually in navigating a relatively insensitive world, with these insights at the fore.
We are: artists, healers, explorers - often mavericks in what we do. Holistic thought leaders, empathic carers, ethical entrepreneurs - each with true change-making capacity to predict and influence the world, yet often stuck in indecision, feeling lost on a unique path, or tangled in our own detailed weaving. So... let us clarify.
What if... being highly sensitive comes with a suite of powerful (yet often hidden) advantages?
What if... your personal challenges (e.g., self-doubt, anxiety...) are actually one side of a valuable coin?
What if... the same processing style that leads to those challenges is also, on the flip side, affording you unusual abilities to sense, predict, 'know' and influence?
What if... you can leverage the gifts as you resolve the challenges, so you can step into extraordinary purpose?
Cultivate your innate Sensitive Magic with us.
This is our 'why':
The world is shifting out of an unfeeling, outdated patriarchal era and into a new era of deep interconnection where sensitivity is key.
We are moving toward inclusion and integration with empathy and intuitive communication at the core. Can you imagine your values, passion, dreams at the forefront of change?
What if sensitives are becoming the new decision makers? Can you envision your impact for good?
Yes? Then this is your time to rise chick! 😽

What IF...
...all those daily worries and doubts, the ‘what ifs…’ (e.g., ‘what if I’m not good enough?, what if I don’t fit in?’) are paradoxical? What if they are scintillations of a much bigger, bolder question?
‘What if I am more than all this?
'What if my purpose is bigger than all this…?’
'What if this is really about the meaning of (my) life?'
What if you can drop all the little questions, and turn around to look to the BIG one behind you? What if in doing so, you turn your whole experience around?
Anxiety for sensitive people is often a symptom of the existential lack we have in modern society. The reason you don't feel you belong or are 'good enough' is because quite simply, the context you are operating in, simply isn't enough. You need more. You are more.
Why this is important:
Before we can seriously leverage the gifts, with intention, we need to acknowledge the challenges. Turning anxiety and self-doubt inside out, is often the start point of our work: we address these challenges of sensitivity to resolve them, not 'manage' them. This is because managing something is a laborious effort that keeps a perpetual status quo. Why would you want this when you can use your energies for what you actually do deeply desire? The status quo is not - and never has been - deep enough. So... instead of 'managing' challenges, we embrace them - because we know how to transform them. Magic, right?
For example... What if all those worries of yours are actually a goldmine of information about who you really are - and therefore, who you will likely become? What if you can begin to see and harness a hidden 'personal paradox'?
You see, as a sensitive person you have an extraordinary depth of sensing and feeling about certain things, which hints at a corresponding height of agency - your potential to act, to create, to win, to do.
So, what if... you can leverage this innate depth of self-awareness and perception to do real Good, make real change, ignite real magic in this world? Would you do it?
What is your intuition saying?
Online Schedule:
March theme: Thin boundaries and liminality
- Thu 13th March: Visionary Drawing with guest Edward Foster
- Mon 17th March: Sylvia’s Mindful Journey
- Thu 27th March: The power of liminal being, with Kirsty
April theme: Dreaming and the imaginal realm
- Thu 3rd April: Dreams: meaning and power
- Mon 14th April: Sylvia’s Mindful Journey
- Thu 24th April: Dream diary workshop with Kirsty
May - July: Sensitive Magic!
- This is our 12 week manifesting challenge where members deep dive into a personal project, and we meet online every week, for 3 months.

How to join
It's simple. Help us keep going with a little 'energy exchange', and you become a member. There are 3 options:
- monthly subscription
- pay what you can
- one-to-one coaching (includes membership)

The IF Crowd is different...
We share a desire for deep interconnection, and therefore a relationship with the 'deeper structures', and subtle realms of reality. This club is for those who desire to live a full life of beautiful conscious manifestation, transformation and personal illumination - whilst honouring sensitivity (not trying to 'fix it' 🙄). We are here to proudly embrace the full potential of our psyche and it's capacities. We are the archetypal sages, shamans, wisefolk and magicians of the community.
Our members tend to identify with the highly sensitive person (HSP) trait. What this means is that we deeply process sensory and emotional information (via the "known senses" and more...) and have a corresponding need to cultivate deeply meaningful lives. Our member are each unique and yet unified by their sensitivity - often clearly expressing as empaths, creatives, change-makers, carers and healers.
We tend to be rather bright, creative, open and endlessly curious people yet also self-doubting, self-critical, easily hurt, frazzled or overwhelmed. This can mean finding your personal and professional tribe is tricky and few online groups offer enough 'depth' that will satisfy. You may have tried various self-help, manifesting, transformation and 'awakening' methods - and not found the progress you are capable of. Why? Because it is likely those offerings were just not sophisticated enough to support the deep processing style that you have. This isn't pretence or an appeal to your ego, this is how we are wired.
You see, we learn, grow and 'know' by feeling knowledge deeply as well as understanding it intellectually. We also perceive vast interconnection and possibility that most others overlook or simply miss, because we process faster, deeper and in multi-dimensional layers of meaning. So... here in The IF Crowd we work in a way that actually suits your nature because the material is designed specifically for the depth of processing you require. We know, we get it :)
Go deep or go home, right?

"too sensitive?"
Heard this one too many times?
If you are done with such utterly misguided (and unsolicited) advice from rather insensitive, unaware others (e.g. that you are just 'too sensitive', that you ought to 'toughen up', 'get a thick skin'... 🙄), then relax - you may be one of the 20% of humans who have an innate, natural-born trait of 'high sensitivity' and it's not a problem. Not at all... Far from it.
Think of it like this... there is no scientific instrument invented that is 'too sensitive' (i.e. 'too powerful', 'too accurate'). Rather, there may be a lack of awareness on processing power, direction, dimension and interpretation. Especially of subtly detailed, nuanced information. You have a kind of radar, an antennae, an awareness-capacity that most people don't.
Are you curious?
This your home of self-empowerment. Here your high empathy, your acute intuition, your depth and brilliance is supported and celebrated. So here, in this membership club, you can embrace your innate nature as a suite of advantages - a sensitivity to subtle information that most don't even know is there. This can empower you to see, know and do in life, far beyond the norm.
What if your 'problems' are actually unrecognised (and stuck) depth processes?
We offer a uniquely positive approach: a blend of cutting-edge psychology, consciousness research and Western mystery philosophy. This means we nurture personal development and wellbeing through a balance of evidence-based science, therapeutic coaching and 'practical metaphysics' (yep.. the esoteric arts!). We understand the creative power of asking 'what if...?'
Let's take a deeper look...

What if... an anxious mind is the echo of a heart that deeply cares? What if it's not 'all in your head'? Rather, it's a full body, full being experience, full of uncanny wisdom?
Transform anxiety and self doubt into a living source of creative will, aka your 'manifesting mojo' :D. Learn how to understand, appreciate and harness all that raw, naked powerful energy that flows through you. This involves expansion of mind-body awareness and discernment of your already heightened senses and intuitive talents.
Rather than 'manage' anxiety forever, process it as a resource of powerful fuel for clarity of life-purpose. It's not necessarily the 'problem' you've been told it is. For us, it's one side of a very valuable coin of insight.

What if... that subtle sense you have about a delicate interplay between consciousness and reality, is accurate? That you do actually 'just know' things sometimes? What if your dreams can indeed be oracular and synchronicity is genuine guidance? What if you really do perceive information others generally don't?
Cultivate your acute awareness and intuition; develop your natural psi (psychic) capacities. They are one of the major benefits of high sensitivity - your innate gift to see, know and affect change in the subtle realms.
You can manifest (create) through consciousness, in an intentional act of making real, of bringing about those opportunities and experiences you crave in life. You can weave magic as you channel your talents, values and desires in to creative projects and careers - to live your purposeful 'best life', in reality.

What if... all this goes even deeper? All this deep feeling, thinking, sensing is evidence of the deeper interconnectedness of all things? What if you could let go of self-doubt, step out of your shadow and see the fuller, big, cosmic picture?
Become self-empowered and forge your own unique path in the world. Be a light-bearer for others as you illuminate that new pathway from a source within. Be the the healer, leader, change-maker you know you are because the world needs sensitivity and compassion above all else.
True leadership comes from those who are willing to step ahead because of their uncertainties, because of their curiosity, compassion, their desire for (re)connection to source. You see, true strength is born from sensitivity.
'Transformation, Manifestation, Illumination'
So as you can see... this is our cyclical process (you can think of it as a trippy triangle like this one or a nice comfy circle or whatever geometry you like. It's all good).
Becoming a member will guide you to understand, celebrate and leverage your sensitive nature as a gift - an asset to this cycle - including the challenges it brings. We do this by applying psychospiritual insights, tools and techniques with peer support and deep conversation. All to 'grow with the flow'...

Who is talking and asking all these 'what IF' questions? It's me...
My mission: I’m here to illuminate the beauty, the brilliance, the magic in you.
As an HSP (thriving), I have learned to channel my skills into something good (The IF Crowd) where I can best support my fellow Sensies for a bigger empowered vision of a new sensitive era. Here's how I can support you:
➝ As a certified HSP coach, guided self-help and psychological wellbeing professional, I can hold a safe and nurturing space for you to resolve personal challenges and cultivate your (vastly overlooked) potential - and do something great with it.
➝ As an academic and researcher, I also take this mission further. I am a psychologist with specialisms in frontier science: psi ('psychic') phenomena, high sensitivity and capacities of consciousness. I actively study 'traits and states' - the intersection of expanded 'states' of consciousness and the 'traits' (e.g. processing styles and characteristics, like creativity and intuition) that support exceptional experience, giftedness and true flourishing. So, I am here to share what's on this scientific frontier, in tangible and practical ways.
➝ As a life-long scholar of Western mystery teachings too, I perceive that these ancient esoteric philosophies poetically underpin what modern science is now revealing about our shared reality - and why sensitivity is at the core of this personal and collective development.
➝ I also do creative and interesting things. Some for fun, some for affecting social change and also as a creative consultant for others. I care deeply about purpose - on setting intentions, getting things done and what it means to really manifest, influence and experience potential.
What else...? I play in the avant-garden of life. I am a wife, mum, snake appreciator and cat servant :)
note: Maude is the cat in this picture, who is also the boss.
That's why she is front, centre and un-blurred.
That's probably more than enough on me... Tell me about YOU. Email me anytime: kla@kirstylucindaallan.com

Dean Radin, MS, PhD
'As a HSP empath myself, I wish there was an IF crowd I could have joined when I was growing up.'

Who is this intended for?
The IF Crowd is intentionally designed and curated for:
- those seeking to transform their anxieties, blocks, limiting beliefs and self-doubt into creative, manifesting will (rather than perpetually 'manage' them).
- those who are ready to align wellbeing, relationships, career and personal spirituality - without compromise on their sensitive natures.
- those who are ready to leverage that wealth of emotional and mental energy, for progress.
- those who are intrigued by the intrinsic beauty and metaphysical qualities of nature.
- those with a curious mind and open heart.
- those who who feel an inner-drive, to aspire, lead, create meaningful change in the world.
- those who sense the deeper interconnectedness of life and therefore, appreciate the vast potential in positively asking... 'what if..?'
- The content is designed for for adults of all ages and may be suitable for older teens/young people with appropriate consent. Contact us to discuss any queries on age and suitability.
...and what is it not?
Although therapeutic, this is not intended as individual nor group therapy (or counselling) in itself. It may be complementary to a recovery plan, so please refer to your mental health professional if you have any concern.
Healthy, rational debate is always welcome (It's great exchange!) however, this is not a space for naysaying, negging nor dogmas of any kind. This is a positive space for growth.
This is not suitable for anyone expecting real life outcomes from just 'wishing' them in to existence. Members embrace real world understanding, active decision-making and self-development work.

Immodesty Blaize
"Kirsty’s depth and versatility of experience makes working with her insightful and really fun. She creates a supportive space and has a knack of being able to connect many perspectives and potentials in the ‘big picture’, which for creatives can be a headache when we’re too close to our work. That gift of clarity is a significant one for people working in a career based in self expression, and I’d highly recommend Kirsty."

Katie Franklin
"Kirsty is a person who makes you see the world from points of view you've never even considered. She asks subtle, self-reflective questions in a surreptitious way that allows you to search within yourself for answers that are bursting to come forward but haven’t ever been given the right nudge up until that point. Without meeting Kirsty I would not have been exposed to the vast amount of creative nourishment I never even knew I needed at the time. Through conversations with Kirsty I have explored many new concepts, arts and philosophies. I have been inspired to read new genres of books I didn’t even know I would enjoy. I have been places and met people who are utterly amazing and I never even knew they existed. Not every conversation is easy with Kirsty, as I said, she makes you search within yourself and that can sometimes be incredibly difficult to face your own truth head on. But by enabling yourself to go through this and explore your own world within, you discover a beautiful internal landscape. I will always be eternally grateful to Kirsty for coming into my life and teaching me such a lot. Not just about art, culture and philosophy, but about my own soul. She is unlike anyone I have ever met before and I am unlikely to meet anyone like her again."

Kieron O'Toole
"I've known and worked with Kirsty for many years. She's built successful creative businesses, inspired cultural change at a national level, promoted transformational well-being, mentored, published... and all while living a rich life, centred on compassion, inquiry, purpose and holding on to a light heart. For my part, I’ve gained insights into motivation and creative courage for business and team building. And Kirsty’s grounding in practical change can involve extraordinary reframing of perspective. Just ask her about thought leadership and 'Messiah 4.0'!"

Sylvia Hunt
"I really enjoy being part of the IF Crowd. Kirsty made this group a really safe space for people to share their experiences of their manifesting journey. I love that there are small group opportunities and we have time to get to know one another and really share. There is a lovely feeling of mutual support which I wasn’t expecting from an online group. Kirsty has a wonderful way of explaining in-depth psychological concepts so that everyone is on the same page and equally can feel comfortable to ask questions - particularly 'how does this relate to me?' and 'what I’m going through now?'.
There is a nice balance in the delivery in that sometimes we are quietly reflecting, meditating, drawing/journaling or sharing back, so the sessions always shoot by! I would absolutely recommend this group to anyone who feels stuck and like they aren’t moving forwards. It’s hard if you can’t see the wood for the trees and sometimes you need some help to stop, take stock and feel part of a tribe, which is exactly what IF Crowd has done for me."
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