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What IF your transformative story begins here?

An anxious mind is a living mind.

It is not only a brain that thinks (and overthinks), it is also the echoing voice of a heart that truly cares.

What if... Anxiety can be transmuted into a force of extraordinary personal power?

What if... Anxiety has been secretly training you to become an amazing manifestor?

What if... You could accept yourself right now, exactly as you are, and start creating the life you truly want?

What would you do next?

This book underpins our first course Transforming Anxiety into Creative Will on the IF Crowd Programme. It is from this place of resolving the challenges, identifying our personal paradoxes, we can being to truly leverage our innate strengths.

Learning to listen to those inner experiences we call ‘Anxiety’ gives us clarity on who we really are and guides us to grow far beyond the illusory limitations of fear, illness and exhaustion. With IF, we can actually choose joy, health and creativity using the hidden skills Anxiety has granted us.

IF is a practical approach designed to guide those who experience Anxiety, not to simply ‘cope’ and ‘manage' but to absolutely embrace an opportunity to transcend their experience in an empowering journey toward personal enlightenment.

Unlike most self-help books, the IF book is a fun read, imbued with creative thinking - full of memorable quips, quotes, original illustrations and diagrams to aid deep processing. It is the starting point for many of our members - directly addressing their very real anxiety and self-doubt which perennially pervades their compassionate hearts and creative minds.

So... Are you ready to start too?

👇 available in paperback, hardback and Kindle👇

Reader Reviews:

Some comments from readers of IF 💡

Heather Logue

"Throughout the book I had many moments of clarity and at time I felt this book was written personally for me, especially in the last few pages which felt like I was having an epiphany. A true light bulb moment! I highly recommend this book to anyone. Not just for anxiety sufferers but anyone who feels they might be stuck in a rut with their career or family life. IF has definitely helped me take ownership of the direction of my future without feeling those pangs of dread. I am excited for what lies ahead."

Lady Emma

"I wish IF was available this time last year. Really interesting & gives almost lightbulb moment to my own experience with anxiety & how to make it work for you. The author has personal experience of anxiety so it’s such a relatable read. Don’t procrastinate, invest in this book, you won’t be disappointed"

E. Brackenbury

"Such an accsessable light and helpfull view on anxiety, offering new perspectives. This book is very enabling and inspireing. It has lovely illustrations that help highlight and explain the consepts. And a friendly blue crab 🦀 💙"

Fair Use:

If using extracts in your blog, student essays or social posts, please credit: Kirsty L Allan.

Citation (APA7):
Allan, K.L. (2020). IF: Ironic Fundamentalism. A journey from anxiety to enlightenment. Victory International Press 

  • First published in 2020, Victory International Press with Melissa English.
  • 2nd publishing 2023, KLA Publishing.